Wednesday, September 16, 2009

CULTivate KUNTivate

BLACK PANDA's in hot turmoil this fall season. Boulder (or is it Denver?) has to continue selling sex via supermodelquins and NYC has to pimp art accessibly. Luckily there is CULTivate to there to make us happy... and famous. Now it's just time to make the paper from this ish. Cuz you know fabric paint and felt - not free. Not supermodelquin shit. No dots here.

Hawt turmoil.

Sunday, September 13, 2009


Luckily for me I got Harry Potter to do the waay dirty work. Nice Tuxedo, cat.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

I can hear the bells

Last night's dinner with guest stars Dirty Hairy, ODB (Old Dirty Bourgeois), and Ami was fab. What a way to end the summer and begin a new season of May December. I see fame in our future!

The new group o' Firebush

you HET!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Juicy Fruit



Too busy too much.... whh with life just gettin extra? patterns and patterns - too much wurk. too much kayos! help us.