The faggotries of it all...
went to the statue of liberty, but could not enter her body. it has been closed since 9/11 - the bitch was so frigid yesterday
came back ashore with the Millenium Team from Argentina, comprised of mostly girls. When I asked what the Millenium Team was, the one boy replied, "Rollerskating"
Ground Zero - Brooklyn Bridge - just fucking cold. No laughing matter.
Guggenheim - the group exhibiting their work drowned Pinnochio, but in better news, the boy upstairs at the Illy cappuccino installation was cute and twinky. yes, i too thought those terms were mutually exclusive.
Metropolitan Museo - zipped around the galleries - temple of Dendor, asia, china, European painting, modern (the Hirst shark is there (?)), sculpture garden, midieval. mama got it all in a calendar for $8.95. I got us a discount.
Closed the night at
Gajyumaru where we had an authentic Japanese meal for my guests that traveled all the way from Japan. They were thoroughly excited. When I told the owner what I really liked, she replied, "Girls". We both laughed.
Pics to come