Monday, August 17, 2009

The Remix Mashup

So, while I did like "Julie and Julia", I still think that it is the BOOTLEG "The Hours". I mean, parallel stories, women through the ages... sounds bootleg to me.

Tonite, we're goin for FURUNCH - thanks to the movie. BOOF BOYING ON... I hope it's not bootleg.


Whh was, FDP thought it would be cute to call the movie that I wanted to see a redo - redux-ion - bootleg too. And so he called GI JOE the bootleg "Nutcracker" - cuz it's about a doll that comes to life.

Don't call it a comeback!


And finally, I have to mention here an aesthetical happening that I came across.

One of the reasons that I love living in NY is that you never know when you'll come across ballet dancers performing to Radiohead. Love it. Enjoy!


Unknown said...

Ooh la la!

jenn said...

working interstate is bootleg