Thursday, October 25, 2007

Fashion Bears

I like fashion as much as the next 'mo, but I must admit, I'm not obsessed with it. So it was a surprise for me to hear that two bears have infiltrated the fashion world. And when I say bear, I don't mean just some unshaven, brawny man trying to work this season's look. No, these guys look legit. Costello Tagliapietra greet their audience at the end of their shows clad in bearific fashion from head to toe: plaid, suspenders, denim, and boots. Interesting to see this mode of queer identity adulated in a world stereotypically governed by sensitive and sleek metrosexuals. Not that bears cannot be sensitive, mind you. I wonder if they go home at night and bake red velvet cup cakes. Maybe they make furniture. OR maybe they make furniture in the shape of cupcakes. That has to be it.

1 comment:

trb said...

oh shoot. paul bunyan. blue ox, babe?