Sunday, November 25, 2007

Mr. Zimmer

I cuddle with Pandas. I cuddle with wizards. I even cuddle with pillows ( " - " ). But perhaps one of my most interesting cuddling friends is Mr. Zimmer, or was he is known by a wider audience, simply Zimmer.

Zimmer lives in an abandoned chocolate factory not very far from his Art School Alma Mater, Pratt (when inclined to perform feats of doggie artistry, he goes by the moniker "Samo"). His cozy coat makes him attactive in bed, especially on the fiercest of winter mornings. What I cannot vouch positively for, however, is his insane halitosis. Bad doggie breath aside, Zimmer is in a class by himself. Upon a recent jaunt to the chocolate factory, I decided to ask Zimmer about his foul odor. The following conversation ensued:

Me: Ohh little Zimmer, why do you have such corrupt doggie breath.

Z.: (Looks up and flaps his tongue, unleashing more of the corruption.

Me: Don't do that! Whew, your shit be stankin'!

Z.: (Bats his eyes in an adorable fashion no doubt mastered on modeling sets - oh he is a doggie model. Had you not known?)

Me: Corruption. Let me hug you.

Z.: (Gets scooped up and looks at TRB for cuddling advice)

Me: Good corruption. Aww. Corruption.


Yeah, he's a bit stank, but we love him. Here's to you Zimmer. The one and only.

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