Monday, July 28, 2008

Almost Cumming

After much deliberation and wavering, I have decided to take it back to my roots and move to the old hood. I grew up on Seaman Ave, down the block from Cumming. How apropos. Dad has re-newed the lease and I will be moving in this week. Lots, LOTS to be done in the apartment. But if you help out, I promise to take you to this sizzling hot street... promise.


jenn said...

no dark alleys :(

labor day party!

Unknown said...

That's great - good luck!

Thom said...

A perfect address for little Ashanda's Harvard application!

Thom, from Sandy Hook last weekend
Thoughts Made Bald

jenn said...

Oh snap, juju babies too! Hot damn, what about my mixies, Hijiki Pixel and James Meow!

jay said...

a crooked 'one way' sign -- ah sweet symbolism.