Sunday, January 4, 2009

Who you, Münchausen?!

Happy Nueva York - I mean Nueva Year.. er - Feliz Cumpleanos (???) Whatever - away with 2008 and in the year of the ox!

DM has been lead astray from his blergin' by many people at the conclusion of 2008. All good, but some dysfunctional (ie. Mr. Münchausen - can you believe that someone would try to steal my limelight by inflicting self-induced injuries? Please don't stop the music!)

Artner was around for the holiday adventure. Fun and artnerful - drama was in the mix too. Mary J. must have called for a re-mix of the 2007. The most shocking thing (or one of the most shocking things) of her eastcoast adventure was the NYE appearance of the Eraserhead broad - in the flesh!

Feel better artner! And you bess make work that New Navy!

My NYE was spent underneath the fireworks in Central Park, romantic and brite. I'm hoping that the year of the OX will remain exciting... though I can do without the dysfucntinality... or the hangovers.

Feliz Cumpleanos and enjoy your ox tails!

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