Tuesday, March 10, 2009


OMG - a fucking VOGUE OFF! This is what I've been waiting for on this show. The House of Flowers versus the House of Whackcocks... fucking chop that bitch! Interesting to see Ru bring the ball culture to the mainstream (as it had in Paris is...). More interesting to see that these queens brought it. Seemed to me that after Madge vogued for the world, ball culture had been exploited enough so that young fierce queens would develop a new form of expression. But with the moves that these Ms. Tings whipped out, it appears that Voguing is still happening - Madge or no Madge. As for Ms. Loca Flowers - She betta Work. WORKITOUTLOCA!


Unknown said...

Come on and vogue already, will ya'?

trb said...

wurk it out. wurk it out out.
and whaaaaaaat?