So I'm still playing catch up with Project Runway and I'm now on season 3. The hilarious editing continues. Listen to the clip of Heidi saying "Just Barley...". Bravo BRAVO Bravo. hilarious.
Do you like Hello Kitty? I bought 3 sheets of kid's tattoos! The themes are: Flower, Princess, and Fire. Below I'm doing the Fire Madonna pose I'm copying her. Do you like Madonna videos? They're dirty. Watch them please. kikiki!
It was Spring 2006. I was floating down the Mekong travelling from Thailand to Laos. The river was muddy and the trust fund kids were oh so "Duhddy" and "Mummy". Times were relaxin' - UNTIL the pirates boarded. I grabbed for my camera and iPod when they hopped on board at an impromptu dock. The pitter patter of tiny feet became audible from afar and then I realized that they were running up and down the aisle screaming "Pringupringubirlaow!Pringupringubirlaow!". I rifled through the index of my Lonely Planet Southeast Asia to see if I could find a handy translation. I know these SE Asian kids and their fierceness realness. I was scurrd. (I used to be one of them!). When I saw the money exchanged, I finally realized - we were at the bodega of the Mekong and they were pitching chips and beer. Silly Fauxmerican.
While I'm in NYC trying to work with the seamstress under the stairs and hiding in empty offices, Artner's pangs of guilt about not getting me a bigger discount is keeping her up at night and making her voice cry-ey. It makes sense that young guns wind up working for the old navy, while ex-English teachers have to settle for basements as maids of the world. Oh man. Did you ever hear of that show, "Touched by an Angel". Someone in my office quipped that my boss backed away from me when I tried to touch her because she didn't want to be "Touched by an Ethnic". Hilarious. All this talk about ethnicity is making me hungry for some pancit and dinuguan. Will I ever see that tranny, Joey, from the Philippines again. Oh....
Oh, the mysteries of NYC. You get gay bashed on the subway for wearing Salmon pants, then you get to work and are asked to become someone's personal stylist because she likes your "look". Why do pink pants bring out the worst and the best in people? Oh joy. And I know I need a haircut, but I'm kinda likin' it.
OK, so I was in Japan when season 2 of project runway aired originally. I missed it. Since Drag Race has come to a halt (just for now, I hope...), I am trying to get my dosage of fashion cuntiness from oldie but goody Proj Runway eps. Thus far Santino is bringing it with his attitude, and Nick is just cunty (in an adorable way). But no one brought it like Andre in this clip as he exclaims in the background, "Where the HELL is my Chiffon?!!?!"... ooh, think I just got inspired.... T-shirt anyone?
And let me tell you, if I find the bitch that does have my chiffon, I'ma push her down backwards. BACKWARDS!
Need a Blouse? Need a Skirt? Need a Skort? Need Snort?
Dirrty's got all the bases covered. Thanks to this gurl, I got my thrift on for less than 3 wings and 3 sides of Beans-n-Rice at Popeye's. Faux Lao may have met her match at dressing this queen. Between these two, shoot - capes for days. DAYS. Sequins too.
Deuteronomy Madrid is one of the many personalities of your beloved, queer author. The moniker of "Deuteronomy" (the fifth book of The Bible) was adopted because of the author's fascination and respect for Jewish males all over. DM's family includes such notables as Bleekah-Madison Madrid, Niimura Katsutoshi, Yuko Propaganda, and Lexicon Reyes. He has worked for the Fergie, the Dutchess of York, not the humpy hip-hopstress, and is credited as the cover designer for her fabulous diet book, Energy Breakthrough.