Monday, April 6, 2009

Chiffon at 0:54

OK, so I was in Japan when season 2 of project runway aired originally. I missed it. Since Drag Race has come to a halt (just for now, I hope...), I am trying to get my dosage of fashion cuntiness from oldie but goody Proj Runway eps. Thus far Santino is bringing it with his attitude, and Nick is just cunty (in an adorable way). But no one brought it like Andre in this clip as he exclaims in the background, "Where the HELL is my Chiffon?!!?!"... ooh, think I just got inspired.... T-shirt anyone?

And let me tell you, if I find the bitch that does have my chiffon, I'ma push her down backwards. BACKWARDS!

1 comment:

jenn said...

Is this a recap from years ago?