Sunday, June 6, 2010

Beautiful Darling

I really didn't know that she wasn't authentic. Kind of strange since I do consider myself to be a big Warhol fan. So when I saw Beautiful Darling, I was at once amazed and shocked at how real Candy Darling was, as a woman, as an artist, and as a pioneer. Testimonies given by those who knew her abounded with anecdotes of how you really never thought that you were interacting with a man. Candy was always a woman. She was beautiful, for sure. If you have a chance, check out the movie, cuz, if for nothing else, the bitch was Faabulous...

1 comment:

Casa di Pietra said...

BEAUTIFUL DARLING opens its North American theatrical release in NYC at the IFC on April 22, 2011. Thank you so much for your support - reviews and blogs like yours make all the difference!

We hope to get the word out to make the film's theatrical run as successful as its festival tour has been. Theatrical engagements are already slated for Boston, Denver, San Francisco, and Kansas City after the NYC premiere. We hope that fans living elsewhere who wish to see the film on the big screen will contact their local art-friendly cinema to encourage them to book the film, which is distributed by Corinth Releasing.

Thank you, again, from Anne Loretto (Co-Producer) and the rest of the BEAUTIFUL DARLING team