Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Thank you for being a friend / AA Fur Ril Fur Ril


AA is in the house. If you don't know yet, that's Aging Asians - a new sub sect of Black PANDA.

Who's with me? I know Artner is... those are her lotions alternating with mine up above. (Who's are who's...?... if you've been reading, you know). But, fur ril, my late twenties have come and gone and now I'm at the dawn of a new decade. Things just aren't the same. I'm speaking for myself here, but I have heard from other AA's (AA's that don't even know they're AA's) that age is creeping up with them. That said, here are my tips to keeping your boyish/girlish looks when looking for daddy...

~ Work the dimples (if you gottem' - workem')

~ Exfoliate, mask, and moisturize.
I use Peppermint exfoliator, Vanilla mask, and Carrot Moisturizer-all from Sabon.

~ Beauty Sleep.
A note: this option doesn't seem to work for many of my over-achieving friends. Kinda harsh for tranny messes and hot gawbuj too.

~ Organic food - a tip from "Peanut Butter & Beans" Diva. Organic chocolate chip cookies... mmm....

~ When all else fails, Fucking Lie. We're Asian and got a leg up on our pale faced friends. Don't Westenize dem eyes, recognize...

Ooohh Oohhh - AA - MAINTAIN!!! Or else we'll be these broads sooner than later!!!

1 comment:

jenn said...

Sarna haha you mad itchy