Sunday, August 17, 2008

Self Portrait with Dildos

gay hamburgler
So what had happened was I'm sex potted out. My new-old gayborhood is booming and sex is at my door step. (I would be the Fort Tryon Listing). Whh indeed.

This is where Hamburgler Vargas operates. The potential for woody JO Sessions is plentiful. As are the opportunities to hook up in his favorite spot, McDonald's - Food, Folks and Cum. Last nite, though, I decided to simmer down and sleep it off. The trade was right there at Mickey Dee's. We saw each other. Kept on looking. Followed each other out. But in the end the trade just wasn't hot enough. That and Artner told me it might be gross (Not shy, bossy artner). My fries were alot hotter than he was anyways.

And here we are at today. I'm headed to Elsa's, La Reina Del Chicharron, because I have to nurse a hangover. All that naked chest action at The Cock last night has me feenin for some frieds foods. Afterwards? Who knows. Hey, I wonder where that trail leads...

1 comment:

jenn said...

this winter you're gonna hibernate with a bear