Friday, October 24, 2008


If the 80's were physically packaged neatly in our minds (as it is undoubtedly is for some people), it would probably be wrapped in bright paper with crawling babies, barking dogs, and flying angels - all courtesy of Keith Haring. I really liked Keith's work as a young, gay, creative person. It was graphic, gay, and public. Kinda like what I'd like this blahg to be. But then, as time wore on, his work was almost too public... appearing everywhere in NYC, and around the world. The Universe of Keith Haring, a new documentary, has re-ignited my interest in the glowing babies and break dancing figures that Haring produced and produced and produced - the film reveals just how prolific Haring was, virtually right up to his death. II'm happy to say I've been Haring-ized once again. Go see the movie! And keep a look out for crazy ass Yoko Ono. She crazy!

On a side note, the screening that I went to featureed a Q & A afterwards with the film's director. She said that while she attempted to interview people from Keith Haring's universe like Grace Jones, Brooke Shields, and Madonna, they were unavailable. How dare Madonna, especially after using KH's work all over her new tour. I'm sure she's doing it in homage to her friend, but c'mon Madge, will ya serve us some tea. Jeesh.

1 comment:

jenn said...

gay for haring. this is slowly becoming a fine art blog, with some daddy bears in between. oh, that's just your life.